Monday, January 12, 2009

Jerk, California

The Low Down
Title: Jerk, California

Author: Jonathan Friesen
Publisher: Speak
Date: 2008
Main Components: Finding yourself, love, and struggling with an incurable disease.
Interesting Details: This book was inspired by the author’s own struggles with Tourette syndrome. There is an interview with Friesen in the back and at the beginning a list of books he recommends.

Wow, what a book. Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen is exciting from beginning to end. This book depicts the story of Sam Carrier, a teenage living in a small town struggling with Tourette syndrome. What is this you may ask? Well, defines it as “a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, esp. Obscenities.” Jerk, California follows Sam’s story as he deals with his abusive step-father who cannot accept him for who he is, a mother who can’t stand up for him and a diseased father who he knows nothing about except what his lying step father tells him and that he also had Tourette syndrome. There are good people in his life though, there is a crazy old coot named George, Naomi, a girl he can’t understand why she likes him, his grandmother, and all his parents old friends that he meets on his journey. I would give a better synopsis than this but since I so highly recommend you read this book, I don’t want to risk giving even the smallest detail away. So go out and buy it or even borrow it from me if you want to know more.

Jerk, California captivates its audience from the first chapter. There is excellent character development, imagery and the way Friesen describes Sam’s emotions makes you feel as if you are inside his head. Whenever something mortifying happens to him because of his illness, you also cringe in embarrassment. I must say, this book can be quite the tear jerker as it is so amazingly written. Now I just noticed I have been making this out to be a depressing novel when it isn’t. Yes, there are sad parts and the whole concept behind it is heartbreaking but it is paired with eccentric characters and witty dialogue. It is laugh-out-loud funny and it is filled with twists and turns that you never expect, keeping you guessing and enthralled right to the end. I am not the only one with this opinion, Liane Vaz took it upon herself to text me in her excitement upon reaching part two of the book. When I asked what she thought of it the next morning after Liane finished it, she responded, “I love this book. Nothing more to say. Jerk, California was utterly hilarious and touching. There were unexpected twists and turns that kept my attention. I burned the midnight oil on this one.”

My only complaint with this book is that there are a few sentences here and there that could have been worded better, but not many. This is a small fault that was easily forgotten. Word of advice, if you know a sad part is coming, close your bedroom door or at least make sure you’re alone. I was ridiculed by my brother for days when he walked by my room to find my nose in a book with tears running down my face. I highly recommend this book, it makes you laugh, cry, cringe in embarrassment with the characters, have a better understanding of people with this disease and makes you think about your own life and how everyone takes a simple thing like sitting still for granted.

I rate this book 5 late nights out of 5.

That is the first full score I have given and it wasn’t given lightly, but this book deserved it. Now go out and buy it! Right now!

Price: $11.00
Other books by Jonathan Friesen: Jerk, California is his first book, amazing for his first time. He is currently working on another book called Rush.
Website: www.

Jonathan Friesen live in northen Minnesota on a small farm with his wife, three kids and many animals. He is often travelling aroudnt he world and when he isnt he is teaching gifted young writers in fiction. His own personal experience with Tourettes inspired this novel.


Blogger Liane Vaz said...

I just realized Iain Lawrence is the author of Gemini Summer...the book we chose not to read last year haha

Nice review, a couple of spelling and grammatical errors here and there, but to err is human.

Hahahah ‘fo’c’sle’ and ‘hummock.’

So glad I put this book back on the shelf.

January 17, 2009 at 6:58 PM  
Blogger Liane Vaz said...

Check out my blog to see the pictures of WHAZAM! :)

January 28, 2009 at 8:35 PM  
Blogger Number One Novels said...


I recently interviewed Jonathan Friesen about Jerk, California at my blog. Check it out to hear about how the book came into being in the author's own words.

February 15, 2009 at 9:41 PM  

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